Multicultural Organization of Women for Comprehensive and Sustainable Development.
Organización Multicultural de Mujeres para el Desarrollo Integral y Sostenible.

A community-based organization working together with vulnerable women, girls, boys, and youth.

We are a women’s organization dedicated to promoting local capacities, to create decent living conditions and to contribute to reducing violence against women and girls. 

About us:

Multicultural Association of Women for Integral and Sustainable Development (AMMUDIS)

Ammudis is characterized by being a community-based organization that works with vulnerable women, girls, boys, and teens; at the same time with the active participation of the municipalities, the Public Ministry Referral Network, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Health and other public and private institutions with whom we coordinate our daily work.

We believe that through inter-institutional collaboration and coordination we can have a greater impact on our actions. We seek social and environmental justice by promoting the strengthening of women’s capacities, and we work hard in the elaboration of strategies, programs, projects that benefit women and the community in general.

Strategic objectives

Strategic objective No. 1

Reduce violence against women, teenagers, and girls in the department of Izabal, through the strengthening of their autonomy, recognition of their citizenship, and the defense of their individual and collective rights.

Strategic objective No. 2

Develop alternative, participatory, and continuous training processes, with community, municipal, and departmental strategic actions, to raise awareness and awareness of the effects of climate change.

Strategic objective No. 3

Reduce the risks of food and nutritional uncertainty in the Department of Izabal, planning, organizing, and executing adequate strategies related to food security and sovereignty, through the production of food at the family level, community, municipal and departmental levels, led by women.

Strategic objective No. 4

Strengthen the political, technical, organizational, financial, and relational capacities of AMMUDIS in order to maintain a healthy organization specialized in the issues it deals with on a daily basis.

Multicultural Association of Women for Integral and Sustainable Development

Ammudis since its beginning has advised women on issues of violence prevention and reporting it.

Garífuna's women take advantage of their ancestral knowledge and initiate development projects.

Prensa Libre Guatemala AMMUDIS

Multicultural Association of Women for Integral and Sustainable Development

Contact us | Ammudis

Multicultural Association of Women for Integral and Sustainable Development | Izabal | Zacapa | Guatemala.

Tel .: 502 79470790
Cel: 502 58351610, 56215190

Barrio La Capitanía Lívingston, Izabal, Guatemala.

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